How Many Miles Should You Put On Running Shoes?

Having a proper set of good-quality running shoes can make or break a run. It does not matter how much you train, if your shoes are not in the best condition, then you may not even make it to the end of a run. Not only does the use of worn-down running shoes affect your posture, but it increases your odds of getting injured because of the lack of shock absorption.

How Long Do Running Shoes Last?

Although everyone would like a pair of running shoes to last forever, the fact is that they must eventually wear out. The physical exertion of the materials coming in contact with the ground repeatedly, eventually wears them down to the point that they are no longer functional. As a result, many people ask, “how many miles should you put on running shoes.”

While no two pairs of shoes are manufactured the same, it is generally recommended that you replace your running shoes at least once every 300 miles. At the most, you should not wear a pair of earning shoes for more than 500 miles, which is roughly 6 months for avid runners.

But, there are a number of factors that go into the deterioration rate of a pair of running shoes. First and foremost, is the weight of the runner. The more a runner weighs, the more friction that is created with the ground. Likewise, runners who prefer shaded trails will find that their shoes last longer than those who run across hot asphalt.

When to Replace Your Running Shoes

As a general rule of thumb, you will want to replace your running shoes as soon as you reach that 300-mile mark. This can be a more difficult task, for those who do not jog a traditional route on a regular basis, where the actual distance is known. As a result, you may need to track your miles using some form of GPS device, or fitness watch.

Nevertheless, it is possible to wear through your shoes long before you reach that 300-mile mark. There are a number of possible reasons for this faster deterioration rate, however, it is important to always listen to your body. You should pay attention to any new sensations of pain or soreness you may experience after finishing a run.

Aches and Pains

As your running shoes start to wear down, their ability to absorb shock is drastically reduced. As a result, your body will start to absorb more shock when you go running. You will begin to notice pain and soreness and your knees, hips, or even your ankles. If you experience any new sensations of pain or soreness in the legs and joints after a run, then it might be time to replace your running shoes.

Sore Feet

The amount of friction that your feet go through while running is immense. Even though you are wearing good socks, and ensuring that the shoes fit your feet properly, the physical act of running still results in friction on the soles of your feet. As your shoes wear down, their shape begins to deform, and as a result, they will no longer fit you correctly. Because of this, you will begin to experience new sensations of soreness as well as stiffness in your feet.

Forming Blisters

Even a good pair of socks cannot protect you from the possibility of forming blisters on your feet. When your shoes are new, they are designed to fit your feet securely and conform to the shape of your foot and Arches. But as they age, they start deforming, and, a deformed shoe can result in the formation of blisters on your feet and ankles. So, if you start to notice blisters forming in certain areas of the feet, chances are that your shoes have worn down too far.

Worn Treads

While it is important to pay attention to your body, it is also important to take a look at and inspect your running shoes on a regular basis. A good pair of running shoes not only has multiple types of tread but also features flex grooves that allow them to function better. The more you run in them, the faster the tread wears out. So it is important to constantly check the bottoms of your running shoes on a regular basis.

Tough Midsole

Perhaps one of the easiest ways of determining whether or not you should replace your running shoes is to check the midsole. When your running shoes are brand-new, this area of the shoe will generally have a spongy feel to it. However, as it is used more, the cushioning gets compressed and no longer functions properly. As a result, the midsole will feel tougher when you attempt to press your thumb into it.

What to Look for In A Pair of Running Shoes

A good pair of running shoes can be expensive, but it is an investment that could save you a lot and medical bills down the road. A pair of running shoes will easily cost you more than $100. As a result, it is important to ensure that you choose a pair that not only fits you but is made of quality materials.

Toe Length

While this may seem obvious, many people often overlook the importance of the toe length. When you are out in the heat, on the trail running, your feet will sweat a lot, and they will begin to swell. Because of the swelling, you will need additional space within your shoe. You need to make sure that there is an entire thumb length distance between your toe and the tip of your shoe. Many new runners are surprised to discover that they generally need a shoe that is larger than they would traditionally purchase.

Toe Width

Not only is the length of the shoe important to ensuring that you have plenty of room for swelling, but the width of your shoe’s toe is also equally important. Nothing is worse than your toes swelling while you are running, resulting in the formation of blisters and bruises in between the toes. Depending on the terrain you are running on, it may even be possible to bruise your big toe. As a result, you should always make sure that there is plenty of room to wiggle your toes in the toe box area of your shoe.


The seams, their location, and the way that they are fastened can play an important role in how comfortable your feet will be on a run. The fact is, that because of how the shoe contacts the top of your foot, a seam can result in the formation of blisters. When searching for the right running shoes, you will find that the best shoes are all seamless.

Arch Fit

The arches of your feet are important to your posture and stance. A good pair of running shoes should follow the contours of your foot, in order to ensure a safe fit. If you have high arches, it may not be possible to find a pair of running shoes that come with a proper insole, as a result, you may need to also purchase an insert for your shoes. Regardless of how it is achieved, it is important that your arches are properly supported when you run.

Heel Fit

When you start running, the first thing that you will feel is the friction on your heel. Not all running shoes are created equal, and some of them may be too loose towards the back of the shoe. While it is easy to tighten down the front of your running shoes with the laces, it is hard to correct a heel that is out of shape. Because of this, it is important to walk or jog around the store prior to making any purchase, just to ensure that your heel fits snuggly in the shoe.

Firm Feeling

Although it would be nice to feel like you are walking on a cushion of air, or in the clouds, this kind of cushioning is not the best for high-impact running. While they are great for lower impact jogs, you should have a firmer feeling shoe if you want to prevent injuries. Firmer shoes tend to provide more spring while you are on hard surfaces such as the road, and therefore minimize any stress related to the shock caused when your foot contacts the ground.

Enough Flex

Every shoe is designed with a flex point. And while everyone would like to think that all feet have the same proportions, this is not always the case. As a result, it is important to verify that the running shoes you plan on purchasing not only have sufficient flex but that the flex point lines up with your foot. A shoe that flexes in the wrong spot may result in an injury.

In the end, by knowing what to look for in a good pair of running shoes, you can save yourself a lot of hassles. Take your time shopping, and once you find something that you like, make sure that it matches your needs. Remember, when you choose your running shoes wisely, you will be able to reduce the potential for injuries down the road.

Conclusion of Mileage on Running Shoes

Figuring out how many miles you should put on running shoes can take a bit of time and calculation, but the benefit of using proper shoes shouldn’t be underestimated. A solid investment in solid shoes can prevent injuries and your body will thank you.

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